Pure identity has no form. Identity is composed of energy. It takes up no space and no time. Even the smallest particle is inviolate. It may grow, develop, change alliances or organizations and combine itself with other identities. Separate identities can merge with others in a give-and-take gestalt in which the overall intent is extremely clear. The earth represents the most exquisite physical, spiritual and psychic cooperation.
Jane Roberts in her 1979 book The Unknown Reality Volume II opens the door of hard-to-answer questions, and we shake our head in amazement. There are certainly more questions than answers when it comes to identity, but we like to ignore the questions and rely on faith. Why we like to do the things we do, and why we act the way we do are questions for the experts. We don’t have time to answer questions about our thoughts and actions. We let someone else do that for us. Ken Wilbur and other psychologists have a good idea why we act and do things in a certain way, but they start their analysis at birth. Roberts explains our identity before birth.
Trying to comprehend what we did before birth is certainly esoteric thought at its finest. But what if the reality or realities we experienced before and after exiting from the womb were related to a psychic family of some kind. Perhaps we all have essence families that provide the source energy we need to emerge into this space-time reality. The word family, in our belief system, denotes the foundation for our social, religious, political, economic and legal system. So, in a sense, our psychic family would be a rainbow of consciousness which blends intents into a cohesive, but diverse cultural modality. Each color in the rainbow would represent a family, but the colors would gradually blend in with other as the associations and influences within our belief system change and expand.
Several people have written about these psychic families, and the consensus is there are nine basic families with an infinite number of sub-families that emerge as our beliefs intermingle from reality to reality. That means we may have characteristics of more than one of these families in this reality. Roberts lists the characteristics, colors and names of the nine basic families in this reality this way:
Sumafi (Su-ma’-fi) (Seers) Black
Milumet (Mil’-u-met) (Watchers) Red
Gramada (Gra-ma’-da) (Formers) Orange
Vold (Vold) (Hearers) Yellow
Ilda (Il’-da) (Tellers) Green
Sumari (Su-ma’-ri) (Speakers) Blue
Tumold (Tu’-mold) (Readers) Indigo
Zuli (Zu’-li) (Imagers) Violet
Borledim (Bor’-le-dim) (Bearers) Pink
It’s important to note that we are not born into a specific family. We magnate to a family through our intent before birth just like metal is drawn to a magnet. We could change families, or we could be drawn to family to experience a certain event or intent. It’s important to know that all essence families have individuals that display characteristics of other families so families do incorporate qualities of each other. Here is a short description of each family.
The Sumafi Family focuses on teaching. It incorporates teachers of every element and every subject of our existence. Many individuals in this family are connected with universities or museums. They may be religious or government leaders. They can be found in any area of society that relates to teaching.
The Milumet Family focuses of spiritualism and mysticism. This Family is usually found in primitive tribes around the globe, but not always. They do not concern themselves with social or political involvement. Their focus is seeking the truth, so they hold an extraordinary connection with animals and nature.
Members of The Gramada Family are creative organizers and initiators. They are artists, musicians, physicists and architects. They are initiators of modern ideas that come from another area of consciousness.
The Void Family focuses on reform. They have no interest in the status quo. They change themselves, government locations and the elements around them. They want to change the world. This family is a passionate, restless and emotional group. They can connect with others thanks to their tremendous understanding and compassion. They have precognitive abilities and have a strong sense of knowing.
Members of The Ilda Family are very likable and extremely verbal. They are great communicators and love to travel. They are our seaman, merchants, gypsies and any individuals that travel and exchange ideas about cultural habits. They are colorful individuals and they mingle with all levels of society.
Sumari Family members are spiritual, playful and creative. They are doers that incorporate action in every field they choose. They are independent and are not shy or introverted. They do not align with religions, government or particular societies. They are the rebellious group. They are the non-conforming initiators.
Members of The Tumold Family are the healers. These individuals are in the medical profession, or they may be mystical or cultural healers. These people may be physical, psychological or spiritual healers. They are found in all walks of life.
The Zuli Family are performers and athletes. They have a deep appreciation for the beauty within physical form, but they are preoccupied with the physical body. They understand how it works, and they can manipulate it and form living art. Their mind and bodies are deeply connected.
Members of The Borledim Family primary focus is creating new individuals. They are very family-oriented, and excellent parents. They take great care, and nurture balanced centered individuals. They help produce individuals for other essence families. The Borledim family possess understanding affection and tremendous patience. They can align with another essence family to produce the stock for that family.