Saturday, September 27, 2014

Pure Family Identity

Pure identity has no form. Identity is composed of energy. It takes up no space and no time. Even the smallest particle is inviolate. It may grow, develop, change alliances or organizations and combine itself with other identities. Separate identities can merge with others in a give-and-take gestalt in which the overall intent is extremely clear. The earth represents the most exquisite physical, spiritual and psychic cooperation.

Jane Roberts in her 1979 book The Unknown Reality Volume II opens the door of hard-to-answer questions, and we shake our head in amazement. There are certainly more questions than answers when it comes to identity, but we like to ignore the questions and rely on faith. Why we like to do the things we do, and why we act the way we do are questions for the experts. We don’t have time to answer questions about our thoughts and actions. We let someone else do that for us. Ken Wilbur and other psychologists have a good idea why we act and do things in a certain way, but they start their analysis at birth. Roberts explains our identity before birth.

Trying to comprehend what we did before birth is certainly esoteric thought at its finest. But what if the reality or realities we experienced before and after exiting from the womb were related to a psychic family of some kind. Perhaps we all have essence families that provide the source energy we need to emerge into this space-time reality. The word family, in our belief system, denotes the foundation for our social, religious, political, economic and legal system. So, in a sense, our psychic family would be a rainbow of consciousness which blends intents into a cohesive, but diverse cultural modality. Each color in the rainbow would represent a family, but the colors would gradually blend in with other as the associations and influences within our belief system change and expand.

Several people have written about these psychic families, and the consensus is there are nine basic families with an infinite number of sub-families that emerge as our beliefs intermingle from reality to reality. That means we may have characteristics of more than one of these families in this reality. Roberts lists the characteristics, colors and names of the nine basic families in this reality this way:

Sumafi (Su-ma’-fi) (Seers) Black

Milumet (Mil’-u-met) (Watchers) Red

Gramada (Gra-ma’-da) (Formers) Orange

Vold (Vold) (Hearers) Yellow

Ilda (Il’-da) (Tellers) Green

Sumari (Su-ma’-ri) (Speakers) Blue

Tumold (Tu’-mold) (Readers) Indigo

Zuli (Zu’-li) (Imagers) Violet

Borledim (Bor’-le-dim) (Bearers) Pink

It’s important to note that we are not born into a specific family. We magnate to a family through our intent before birth just like metal is drawn to a magnet. We could change families, or we could be drawn to family to experience a certain event or intent. It’s important to know that all essence families have individuals that display characteristics of other families so families do incorporate qualities of each other. Here is a short description of each family.

The Sumafi Family focuses on teaching. It incorporates teachers of every element and every subject of our existence. Many individuals in this family are connected with universities or museums. They may be religious or government leaders. They can be found in any area of society that relates to teaching.

The Milumet Family focuses of spiritualism and mysticism. This Family is usually found in primitive tribes around the globe, but not always. They do not concern themselves with social or political involvement. Their focus is seeking the truth, so they hold an extraordinary connection with animals and nature.

Members of The Gramada Family are creative organizers and initiators. They are artists, musicians, physicists and architects. They are initiators of modern ideas that come from another area of consciousness.

The Void Family focuses on reform. They have no interest in the status quo. They change themselves, government locations and the elements around them. They want to change the world. This family is a passionate, restless and emotional group. They can connect with others thanks to their tremendous understanding and compassion. They have precognitive abilities and have a strong sense of knowing.

Members of The Ilda Family are very likable and extremely verbal. They are great communicators and love to travel. They are our seaman, merchants, gypsies and any individuals that travel and exchange ideas about cultural habits. They are colorful individuals and they mingle with all levels of society.

Sumari Family members are spiritual, playful and creative. They are doers that incorporate action in every field they choose. They are independent and are not shy or introverted. They do not align with religions, government or particular societies. They are the rebellious group. They are the non-conforming initiators.

Members of The Tumold Family are the healers. These individuals are in the medical profession, or they may be mystical or cultural healers. These people may be physical, psychological or spiritual healers. They are found in all walks of life.

The Zuli Family are performers and athletes. They have a deep appreciation for the beauty within physical form, but they are preoccupied with the physical body. They understand how it works, and they can manipulate it and form living art. Their mind and bodies are deeply connected.

Members of The Borledim Family primary focus is creating new individuals. They are very family-oriented, and excellent parents. They take great care, and nurture balanced centered individuals. They help produce individuals for other essence families. The Borledim family possess understanding affection and tremendous patience. They can align with another essence family to produce the stock for that family.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Waves Of Awareness

Human development is not a linear ladder but a fluid and flowing affair, with spirals, swirls, streams and waves. It appears to be an almost infinite number of multiple modalities.

Ken Wilber’s Theory of Everything is a game-changer. The book explains human development in basic terms. We separate humans by race, religion, political views, and the social-economic power we strive to achieve.

But those qualities and beliefs are not what distinguish us from each other. There are waves of awareness that mix and mingle with each other as we play the lead part in our life experiences.

Wilbur and other psychologists like Don Beck, Christopher Cowan, and Clare Graves developed a map of all the structures, stages, levels, types, and waves of human development within the human consciousness. The result is a comprehensive snapshot of what they call Spiral Dynamics.

Spiral Dynamics explains the stages within our development and how consciousness continues to expand as we experience each wave. Each wave of consciousness overlaps as well as interweaves and meshes waves of beliefs together in multiple admixtures. The multiple admixtures create mosaic choices, instant probabilities, and blended states of unfolding awareness.

Spiral Dynamics labels these eight waves of existence with colors as well as names. The first six waves are first-tier modes of awareness or thinking.

The next two waves are second-tier or integral levels of awareness. Each level holds a degree of social power and a certain percentage of the global population.

The focus in Spiral Dynamics is on types in people, not types of people.

Each level of awareness has certain core beliefs that impact how people view the world around them.

More than 98% of the world population falls into one or more of the first six waves or levels of awareness. Each wave plays a role in the whole spiral. We discount other waves that don’t meet our concept of reality at certain stages of our developing awareness. But each wave is a reality, and everything connected to that wave has value to the perceivers in that wave.

Here are the eight waves of awareness along with examples of each wave, as well as the percentage of the population and power in each of them. The population figures are old, so they are estimated.

The Beige or Instinctual Wave is all about survival. Necessities like food, warmth, water, sex, and safety rule immediate behavior. This wave exists in newborn infants, late-stage Alzheimer's patients, the elderly, starving masses, mentally ill street people, and PTSD victims. One-percent of the population falls into this wave. They have 0 percent of the social power.

The Purple or Animistic Wave focuses on magical spirits. This wave forms ethnic tribes, and believes and incorporates curses, blessings, and spells to determine events and future experiences.

This wave exists in family rituals, third-world cultures, gangs, corporate tribes, and athletic teams.

10 percent of the population displays this awareness, and they incorporate 1 percent of the world’s social power.

The Red or Power God Wave lives by the urge to believe in powerful beings that include Archetypal gods, goddesses, spirits, dragons, and feudal lords. They display characteristics of impulsiveness, egocentric behavior, and heroic mindset.

To Red, the world is a jungle full of bad guys and threats. They enjoy the self to the fullest and try to outfox, conquer, and dominate others.

This wave exists in kids in the terrible twos, feudal kingdoms, gang leaders, New-Age narcissism, epic heroes, rock stars, and soldiers of fortune.

They incorporate 20 percent of the population and have 5 percent of the social power.

The Blue or Mythic Wave incorporates the belief that life has purpose and meaning. The outcome results from the action of a powerful order or exalted being.

Religious order enforces a strict code of conduct based on the principles of right and wrong. Code violations demand serious consequences, but following the code yields some sort of lasting reward.

Blue believes in one right way and a wrong way to think about life, and a rigid social higher-order judges those that misbehave. This wave is strongly conventional and extremely conforming.

This wave exists in Puritan America, China, religious fundamentalists, Girl and Boy Scouts, and the moral majority.

They hold 30 percent of the social power and 40 percent of the population.

The Orange or Scientific Wave likes to escape from the herd mentality. Orange seeks the truth using rational deduction and objective experiments. They believe in natural laws, and they learn, master, and used them as manipulation tools.

Orange are high achievers. And they are concerned with materialistic gains.

Orange believes the laws of science rule human behavior and the economy. To them, the world is a chessboard. Winners gain perks and prominence over the losers.

The earth’s resources are there for strategic gain.

This wave exists on Wall Street, the emerging middle class, the cosmetic industry, The Cold War, the enlightenment set, the fashion industry, and corporations.

They hold 50 percent of the power and 30 percent of the population.

The Green or Sensitive Wave is all about human bonding, ecological sensitivity, networking, and open communication. Green believes the human spirit must free itself from greed, divisiveness, and dogmas.

They cherish the earth, and feelings trump cold rationality.

They are against the hierarchy and cherish relationships.

Green also believes subjective thinking and conscious multiculturalism, along with a relativistic value system, bring harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.

This wave exists in postmodernism, Greenpeace, animal rights, human rights advocates, Canadian health care, humanistic psychology, and Netherlands idealism.

They hold 15 percent of the social power and 10 percent of the population.

The Yellow or Integrative Wave believes that knowledge and competency supersede status, power, and group sensitivity. The current world order results from different levels of reality, which contain unending probabilities and choices.

Spontaneity, flexibility, and functionality are Yellow’s highest priorities. Differences are lessons, and they are part of the natural flow of non-judgmental discernment.

Yellow holds 5 percent of the power and 1 percent of the population.

The Turquoise or Holistic Wave unites feelings with knowledge. Turquoise believes multiple levels of consciousness mesh into one conscious waking system.

They think there is a universal order, and that order supersedes the external rules of the blue and green waves.

The Holistic Wave also believes the whole of All There Is is greater than its parts. To Turquoise thinkers, all life unites in the free-flowing stream of the whole’s consciousness.

And they sense an unending unification within the energy that exists in all awareness.

This wave has 1 percent of the social power and 0.1 percent of the population.,br>
The interesting point in all of this is we all can identify some of our beliefs in the first six waves. The beliefs in the last two waves are still foreign to some. But waves of awareness continue to wash over all of us. And when they do, we will experience life based on what level of awareness we choose to experience.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Natural Learning Process

Human beings begin their evolution through the great spiral of consciousness, moving from archaic to magic, to mythic to rational to perhaps integral, and from there perhaps into genuinely transpersonal domains. But for every person that moves into integral or higher, dozens are born into the archaic. The spiral of existence is a great unending flow, stretching from the body to mind to soul to spirit, with millions upon millions constantly flowing through that great river from source to ocean.

No society will ever simply be at an integral level because the flow is unceasing, although the center of gravity of a culture can indeed drift upward as it has over history. But the major problem remains not, how can we get everybody to the integral wave or higher, but how can we arrange the health of the overall spiral as billions of humans continue to pass through it, from one end to the other, year in and year out.

Ken Wilbur, in his book The Theory Of Everything, does an excellent job describing the contrast that exists within human consciousness. We are all born into the archaic state of consciousness, and then move through different stages as our awareness expands. Age, influences and associations expand our awareness. Some of us find a niche of some sort in a particular stage and stay there. Our beliefs influence that decision.

Once we feel comfortable in a certain stage we have a tendency to attack other stages in several ways. The type of attack depends on the influences and associations that surround our beliefs. Some levels are more aggressive than others; some are more agreeable than others. All stages are experienced by us as we expand in awareness, but that expansion may not happen in one lifetime.

Each form of consciousness has its own codified system within a particular electromagnetic light range. That means there will always be different levels interacting at the same time in this unique state of reality. We choose to experience this type of reality to the emotional feel the probabilities that develop from the contrast created by different stages of awareness. It is a natural learning process inherent in our particular type of consciousness.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sooner Than Later

Briefly, what I am proposing is that the psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating spiraling process marked by progressive subordination of older, lower order behavior systems to newer, higher order systems as an individual’s existential problems change.

Each successive stage, wave, or level of existence is a stage through which people pass on their way to other states of being. When a human is centralized in one state of existence, he or she has a psychology that is particular to that state. His or her feelings, motivations, ethics, and values, biochemistry, degree of neurological activation, learning system, belief system, conception of mental health, ideas as to what mental illness is and how it should be treated, conceptions of and preferences for management, education, economics and political theory and practice are all appropriate to that state.

Clare Graves, a professor and originator of a Level Theory of Human Development, does an excellent job explaining the diversity that exists in this reality. His theory is the foundation for the concept of Spiral Dynamics. Human nature is an ever emergent open-ended system of awareness.

Graves' theory is used throughout the field of psychology today. His work opened the door for Ken Wilbur and others to establish a Theory of Everything, which is an integral vision for Business, Science, Politics and Spirituality.

Graves' theory explains the different levels of consciousness that are interacting in human form at the same time. We have a tendency to use race, religion, and politics as tools to define the thoughts of individuals, but it is the level of awareness of being that defines us from those around us. Our individual beliefs in each stage create the reality we experience.

When we apply Graves’s theory to the present conditions that exist around the world, we clearly understand why peace is such an elusive state. Different levels of consciousness are interacting with each other at the same time. The first stages or levels are interacting with higher stages, and the result is conflicting viewpoints of reality. The beliefs in each stage are valid to the believer until they move to the next level of awareness. That movement may take centuries, or it may happen within a particular century. As we know our awareness is moving at an accelerated rate, so we may see a change in the way we interact sooner than later.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Nature Of Being Human

When your spiritual center begins to manifest, your ego-consciousness integrates with it, and you begin to be “lived through,” as it were, by the spirit. Your living becomes a spontaneous, effortless flow.

Eva Pierrokos wrote those thoughts in her 1990 book, A Pathwork of Self-Transformation. Eva does an incredible job explaining the fact that our consciousness forms the blueprint and the foundation for our physical experiences. We don’t think about our consciousness all that much. Our mind is part of our consciousness, but we don’t acknowledge that marriage as such. We are confused by the words we use to describe the inner workings of consciousness. The ego, consciousness, mind and soul have diferent meanings to each of us. Religion does a very good job of confusing us when it comes to pinpointing the differences as well as the similarities that exist within us.

If we try to distinguish our ego from our spirit, we fall into the void that develops from our massive belief system. If we try to explain the difference between the mind and the soul, we lose ourselves in a timeless tunnel of beliefs that has no beginning or end. We are confused by the terminology that describes us, so we look for help wherever we can find it. That help is usually found in a new belief or an old one. Our beliefs guide us and help us make sense of the dynamic segments of our consciousness. If not for our beliefs we would flounder through our physical experiences without focus. Our beliefs make the diversity that exists within our consciousness real to us.

We may not understand what our consciousness truly is, but we totally understand what we think we believe it is. Whatever we belief is real in the effortless flow of consciousness. The names we use to describe us are part of our beliefs about the nature of being human. The nature of being human is part of the nature of being consciousness. We only need a few words to describe our physical being, and those words have a different meaning to each one of us. But no one can deny the fact that we all are a spontaneous consciousness with a specific focus.

Monday, September 1, 2014

A Muddy Mental River

Ignorance prevails as long as the will remains cheated by its own offspring or its own image, consciousness, in which the knower always stands distinguished from the known. The darkness of ignorance cannot be dispelled because it is its own self.

D.T. Suzuki wrote those thoughts in his book, Doctrine Of No Mind. We all taste the water of ignorance as we travel through this physical life. Ignorance is a faithful companion, but it changes as we change. We are not always ignorant of things, but we are always ignorant of somethings.

Ignorance is a free-flowing muddy, mental river. As we experience life, facts and tangible things pull themselves out of the muddy waters of ignorance, and we see another side of our mind. Suzuki explains that ignorance is its own self. We think that self treats everyone the same, but that sameness has its own unique way of manifesting. We never really know ignorance until it disappears or is suddenly awakened by a mental nudge.

Our minds contain invisibles civilizations. Each mind has a personal history, geography and a unique personal culture. Ignorance lives in that culture in many different forms. There are peaks and valleys in the geography of the mind, and ignorance lives in every geographic fold within them. We travel some of these mental roads in ignorance. Our only tool on our journey is our ability to experience. Experience is a mind opener and an ignorance finder. Once we find ignorance we absorb it, and it becomes part of our mental personal history.