Here are the ego’s eight awareness waves detailed in Psychologist Ken Wilber’s work in transpersonal psychology. Included are examples of each Wave, the percentage of the population, and the social power they possess. The population figures and percentages continue to change.
The Beige or Instinctual Wave is all about survival. Necessities like food, warmth, water, sex, and safety rule immediate behavior. This Wave exists in newborn infants, late-stage Alzheimer’s patients, the elderly, starving masses, mentally ill street people, and PTSD patients. One percent of the population falls into this Wave. They have zero percent of the social power.
The Purple or Animistic Wave focuses on magical spirits. This Wave includes ethnic tribes. Those tribes believe in and incorporate curses, blessings, and spells to determine events and future experiences.
This Wave exists in family rituals, third-world cultures, gangs, corporate tribes, and athletic teams.
Ten percent of the population displays this awareness, and they incorporate one percent of the world’s social power.
The Red or Power God Wave lives by the urge to believe in powerful beings. Powerful beings like archetypal gods, goddesses, spirits, dragons, and feudal lords. This Wave tends to be impulsive. And Red also displays egocentricity and a heroic mindset.
To the Red Wave, the world is a jungle full of bad guys and threats. They enjoy trying to outfox, conquer, and dominate others.
This Wave exists in kids in the terrible twos, feudal kingdoms, gang leaders, New-Age narcissism, epic heroes, rock stars, and soldiers of fortune.
They incorporate twenty percent of the population and have five percent of the social power.
The Blue or Mythic Wave incorporates the belief that life has purpose and meaning. The outcome results from the action of a powerful order or supreme being.
Religious order enforces a strict code of conduct based on the principles of right and wrong. Code violations demand serious consequences, but following the code yields a lasting reward.
Blue believes in one right way and a wrong way to think about life. And there is a group of rigid higher-order judges who deal with violators. This Wave is fiercely conventional and extremely conforming.
Blue exists in Puritan America, China, religious fundamentalists, Girl and Boy Scouts, and the moral majority.
They hold thirty percent of the social power and forty percent of the population.
The Orange or Scientific Wave likes to escape from the herd mentality. Orange seeks the truth using rational deduction and objective experiments. They believe in natural laws, and they learn, master, and use them as manipulation tools.
Orange are high achievers. And they focus on materialistic gains.
Orange believes the laws of science rule human behavior and the economy. To them, the world is a chessboard. Winners gain perks and prominence over the losers.
The earth’s resources are there for strategic gain.
This Wave exists on Wall Street, the emerging middle class, the cosmetic industry, The Cold War, the enlightenment set, the fashion industry, and corporations.
They hold fifty percent of the power and thirty percent of the population.
The Green or Sensitive Wave believes in human bonding, ecological sensitivity, networking, and open communication. Green believes the human spirit must free itself from greed, divisiveness, and dogmas.
They cherish the earth, and feelings trump cold rationality.
They are against the hierarchy and cherish relationships.
Green also believes in subjective thinking. And Green also believes in conscious multiculturalism with a relativistic value system. Green believes this system brings harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.
This Wave exists in postmodernism, Greenpeace, animal rights, human rights advocates, Canadian health care, humanistic psychology, and Netherlands idealism.
They hold fifteen percent of the social power and ten percent of the population.
The Yellow or Integrative Wave believes that knowledge and competency supersede status, power, and group sensitivity. The current world order results from different levels of reality, which contain unending probabilities and choices.
Spontaneity, flexibility, and functionality are Yellow’s highest priorities. Differences are lessons, and they are part of the natural flow of non-judgmental discernment.
Yellow holds five percent of the power and one percent of the population.
The Turquoise or Holistic Wave unites feelings with knowledge. Turquoise believes multiple levels of consciousness mesh into one conscious waking system.
They think there is a universal order, and that order supersedes the external rules of the blue and green Waves.
The Holistic Wave also believes the whole of All There Is is greater than its parts. To Turquoise thinkers, all life unites in the free-flowing stream of the whole’s consciousness. And they sense an unending unification within the energy that exists in all awareness.
This Wave has one percent of the social power and 0.1 percent of the population.
The interesting point is we all identify some of our beliefs in the first six Waves. Beliefs in the last two Waves are still foreign to some. But Waves of awareness continue to wash over all of us. And when they do, we experience life based on perceptions developed from focused beliefs in each Wave.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Friday, May 27, 2022
How Do You Like You Now?
A version of the postmodern Green Wave (a human awareness development stage) with its pluralism and relativism has actively fought the emergence of more integrative and holistic thinking. (expanded awareness)
Psychologists Beck and Cowan point out that second tier-thinking (expanded awareness) has to emerge in the face of much resistance from first-tier thinking. (The first six stages of awareness)
In his book A Theory of Everything, Psychologist Ken Wilbur continues to open the door of awareness a little wider in the physical and psychological evolutionary stages of human development. According to Wilbur and a growing number of other psychologists, humans evolve through eight major awareness Waves. And all Waves have an intimate psychological connection.
Each color Wave contains a plethora of beliefs that create the physical experiences of the ego. In Wilbur’s version of Spiral Dynamics, each color displays the ego’s awareness stages in this physical reality.
Some egos decide to stay in one level of awareness, even though other Waves are there to experience. The beliefs developed in each Wave continue to fuel the ego. And the ego stays there until some event alters a belief structure. That change opens the door for another stage in the ego’s perception of the reality experienced.
Even though egos usually flow from one Wave of awareness to another, they can always move to another Wave or several Waves because of the characteristics and beliefs in other Waves.
All Waves of awareness tend to turn on each other physically to establish a feeling of supremacy of some kind. There is a genetic element of aggression in humans. It’s a survival emotion that some egos take to extremes.
Objective thinking trumps subjective knowledge in this physical world. A war of wits and sometimes brawn takes precedence between egos with different beliefs. Egos create an individual reality around those beliefs.
Within those beliefs, influences cast a net of impulses around ego awareness from external and internal thoughts and perceptions. The ego makes choices that complement associations and the suggestions attached to beliefs. Those choices are the doors to a pool of perceptions. We call the experience from our perception our reality.
Our beliefs control what we create and how we create it. We protect the reality we create even though we know other Waves exist around us. So, preconceived debates about different beliefs rarely resolve anything.
For example: We see the actions of the Green Wave’s bonding beliefs and the Orange Wave's aggressive beliefs play out around the world. We watch arguments heat up as the Orange Wave tries to convince the Blue Mythic Wave it has more rational value in this reality.
Orange believes the laws of science rule human behavior and the economy. To them, the world is a chessboard. Winners gain perks and prominence over the losers.
The Blue or Mythic Wave believes life has purpose and meaning. The outcome of their beliefs comes from the action of a powerful order or higher being.
Green pluralism constantly smothers Turquoise holism. Turquoise or the Holistic Wave believes multiple levels of consciousness mesh into one conscious waking system.
Red Wave’s egocentrism ignores the Purple Wave. And Purple’s belief in magic puts a hex on the Green Wave.
The Red Wave believes in powerful beings like archetypal gods, goddesses, spirits, dragons, and feudal lords. They display characteristics of impulsiveness, ego-centric behavior, and heroic actions.
The Purple Wave still focuses on magical spirits. Purple continues to form ethnic tribes, and it incorporates curses, blessings, and spells to determine events and future experiences.
The Green Wave accuses the Yellow Wave of being authoritarian, sexist, racist, and hierarchical.
Yellow Wave egos believe knowledge and competency supersede status, power, and group sensitivity. The current world order results from different levels of reality, which contain unending probabilities and choices.
The Green Wave focuses on human bonding, ecological sensitivity, networking, and open communication. Green believes the human spirit must free itself from greed, divisiveness, and dogmas.
The Green Wave pluralism been in charge of cultural studies for the last thirty years and wants to keep it that way. That mindset makes it difficult for Green to move into more holistic stages of awareness.
The fact is unity exists within the ego's eight Waves of awareness. But individual ego beliefs, influences, and associations within core and satellite beliefs— and the perceptions created — are objective challenges on the road to creating a form of conforming discernment.
Egos tend to discount beliefs that are not part of a particular perception of awareness. Egos travel on the vehicle of time to experience an assortment of challenges. The lessons and emotions egos physically experience become personal road signs.
Road signs show the diversity that egos can handle. And they show the need to create value fulfillment regardless of the Wave of awareness. The ego's endless Waves of development never stop.
Psychologists Beck and Cowan point out that second tier-thinking (expanded awareness) has to emerge in the face of much resistance from first-tier thinking. (The first six stages of awareness)
In his book A Theory of Everything, Psychologist Ken Wilbur continues to open the door of awareness a little wider in the physical and psychological evolutionary stages of human development. According to Wilbur and a growing number of other psychologists, humans evolve through eight major awareness Waves. And all Waves have an intimate psychological connection.
Each color Wave contains a plethora of beliefs that create the physical experiences of the ego. In Wilbur’s version of Spiral Dynamics, each color displays the ego’s awareness stages in this physical reality.
Some egos decide to stay in one level of awareness, even though other Waves are there to experience. The beliefs developed in each Wave continue to fuel the ego. And the ego stays there until some event alters a belief structure. That change opens the door for another stage in the ego’s perception of the reality experienced.
Even though egos usually flow from one Wave of awareness to another, they can always move to another Wave or several Waves because of the characteristics and beliefs in other Waves.
All Waves of awareness tend to turn on each other physically to establish a feeling of supremacy of some kind. There is a genetic element of aggression in humans. It’s a survival emotion that some egos take to extremes.
Objective thinking trumps subjective knowledge in this physical world. A war of wits and sometimes brawn takes precedence between egos with different beliefs. Egos create an individual reality around those beliefs.
Within those beliefs, influences cast a net of impulses around ego awareness from external and internal thoughts and perceptions. The ego makes choices that complement associations and the suggestions attached to beliefs. Those choices are the doors to a pool of perceptions. We call the experience from our perception our reality.
Our beliefs control what we create and how we create it. We protect the reality we create even though we know other Waves exist around us. So, preconceived debates about different beliefs rarely resolve anything.
For example: We see the actions of the Green Wave’s bonding beliefs and the Orange Wave's aggressive beliefs play out around the world. We watch arguments heat up as the Orange Wave tries to convince the Blue Mythic Wave it has more rational value in this reality.
Orange believes the laws of science rule human behavior and the economy. To them, the world is a chessboard. Winners gain perks and prominence over the losers.
The Blue or Mythic Wave believes life has purpose and meaning. The outcome of their beliefs comes from the action of a powerful order or higher being.
Green pluralism constantly smothers Turquoise holism. Turquoise or the Holistic Wave believes multiple levels of consciousness mesh into one conscious waking system.
Red Wave’s egocentrism ignores the Purple Wave. And Purple’s belief in magic puts a hex on the Green Wave.
The Red Wave believes in powerful beings like archetypal gods, goddesses, spirits, dragons, and feudal lords. They display characteristics of impulsiveness, ego-centric behavior, and heroic actions.
The Purple Wave still focuses on magical spirits. Purple continues to form ethnic tribes, and it incorporates curses, blessings, and spells to determine events and future experiences.
The Green Wave accuses the Yellow Wave of being authoritarian, sexist, racist, and hierarchical.
Yellow Wave egos believe knowledge and competency supersede status, power, and group sensitivity. The current world order results from different levels of reality, which contain unending probabilities and choices.
The Green Wave focuses on human bonding, ecological sensitivity, networking, and open communication. Green believes the human spirit must free itself from greed, divisiveness, and dogmas.
The Green Wave pluralism been in charge of cultural studies for the last thirty years and wants to keep it that way. That mindset makes it difficult for Green to move into more holistic stages of awareness.
The fact is unity exists within the ego's eight Waves of awareness. But individual ego beliefs, influences, and associations within core and satellite beliefs— and the perceptions created — are objective challenges on the road to creating a form of conforming discernment.
Egos tend to discount beliefs that are not part of a particular perception of awareness. Egos travel on the vehicle of time to experience an assortment of challenges. The lessons and emotions egos physically experience become personal road signs.
Road signs show the diversity that egos can handle. And they show the need to create value fulfillment regardless of the Wave of awareness. The ego's endless Waves of development never stop.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Our Pearl
The Guest House
Darling, the body is a guest house; Every morning someone new arrives. Don’t say, “O, another weight around my neck!” Or your guest will fly back to nothingness. Whatever enters your heart is a guest From the invisible world: entertain it well. Evert day and every moment, a thought comes Like an honored guest into your heart. My soul, regard each thought as a person, For every person’s value is in the thought they hold.
If a sorrowful thought stands in the way, It is also preparing the way for joy. It furiously sweeps your house clean, In order that some new joy may appear from the Source. It scatters the withered leaves from the bough of the heart, In order that fresh green leaves might grow. It uproots the old joy so that A new joy may enter from beyond.
Sorrow pulls up the rotten root That was veiled from sight. Whatever sorrow takes away or causes the heart to shed, It puts something better in its place. Especially for one who is certain That sorrow is the servant of the intuitive.
Without the frown of clouds and lighting, The vines would be burned by the smiling sun. Both good and bad luck become guests in your heart: Like planets traveling from sign to sign. When something transits your sign, adapt yourself And be harmonious as its ruling sign, So that when it rejoins the Moon, It will speak kindly to the lord of the heart.
Whenever sorrow comes again, Meet it with smiles and laughter, Saying, “O my creator, save me from its harm, And do not deprive me of its good. Lord, remind me to be thankful, Let me feel no regret if its benefit passes away.”
And if the pearl is not in sorrow’s hand, Let it go and still be pleased. Increase your sweet practice. Your practice will benefit you at another time; Someday your need will be suddenly fulfilled.
Rumi, the 13th-century Poetic Mystic, wrote those words during one of his physical connections with his non-physical personality. Rumi’s poem explains how our consciousness expands in physical form. We are aspects of the gestalt of consciousness we call God. Consciousness is not a thing. It is the action of physical and non-physical energy.
We experience the action of our energy through our beliefs, choices, and perceptions. Sorrow and pain are energy tools in our perception structure. We use them to change or expand our beliefs.
The well of non-physical wisdom within the self flows constantly. That flow has an expanding impact on physical reality. Perceptions create projections to experience, and we call them our reality. The emotions created by our experiences fill the conscious mind with feedback from our perceptions. And, at times, we find the self dangling from a cliff of fear.
At other times, we feel connected and safe. Our emotions respond to our creations. Painful as well as joyful experiences open the door of awareness, and we feel aspects of our non-physical personality reacting in a kind of spontaneous discipline. Spontaneous discipline brings us closer to the self that knows no distinction between our physical and non-physical personality.
Every morning, an impulse arrives from our imagination, and we create another guest and give it a name. Those guests help us focus on the non-physical part of us. That part of us is our Pearl, and it’s waiting to fulfill us at any rate we choose.
For more information about the non-physical self, check out my book Pine Cone Pandemic with Acorn Dressing. ISBN# 978-0-9778130-8-7 Available in all bookstores.
Darling, the body is a guest house; Every morning someone new arrives. Don’t say, “O, another weight around my neck!” Or your guest will fly back to nothingness. Whatever enters your heart is a guest From the invisible world: entertain it well. Evert day and every moment, a thought comes Like an honored guest into your heart. My soul, regard each thought as a person, For every person’s value is in the thought they hold.
If a sorrowful thought stands in the way, It is also preparing the way for joy. It furiously sweeps your house clean, In order that some new joy may appear from the Source. It scatters the withered leaves from the bough of the heart, In order that fresh green leaves might grow. It uproots the old joy so that A new joy may enter from beyond.
Sorrow pulls up the rotten root That was veiled from sight. Whatever sorrow takes away or causes the heart to shed, It puts something better in its place. Especially for one who is certain That sorrow is the servant of the intuitive.
Without the frown of clouds and lighting, The vines would be burned by the smiling sun. Both good and bad luck become guests in your heart: Like planets traveling from sign to sign. When something transits your sign, adapt yourself And be harmonious as its ruling sign, So that when it rejoins the Moon, It will speak kindly to the lord of the heart.
Whenever sorrow comes again, Meet it with smiles and laughter, Saying, “O my creator, save me from its harm, And do not deprive me of its good. Lord, remind me to be thankful, Let me feel no regret if its benefit passes away.”
And if the pearl is not in sorrow’s hand, Let it go and still be pleased. Increase your sweet practice. Your practice will benefit you at another time; Someday your need will be suddenly fulfilled.
Rumi, the 13th-century Poetic Mystic, wrote those words during one of his physical connections with his non-physical personality. Rumi’s poem explains how our consciousness expands in physical form. We are aspects of the gestalt of consciousness we call God. Consciousness is not a thing. It is the action of physical and non-physical energy.
We experience the action of our energy through our beliefs, choices, and perceptions. Sorrow and pain are energy tools in our perception structure. We use them to change or expand our beliefs.
The well of non-physical wisdom within the self flows constantly. That flow has an expanding impact on physical reality. Perceptions create projections to experience, and we call them our reality. The emotions created by our experiences fill the conscious mind with feedback from our perceptions. And, at times, we find the self dangling from a cliff of fear.
At other times, we feel connected and safe. Our emotions respond to our creations. Painful as well as joyful experiences open the door of awareness, and we feel aspects of our non-physical personality reacting in a kind of spontaneous discipline. Spontaneous discipline brings us closer to the self that knows no distinction between our physical and non-physical personality.
Every morning, an impulse arrives from our imagination, and we create another guest and give it a name. Those guests help us focus on the non-physical part of us. That part of us is our Pearl, and it’s waiting to fulfill us at any rate we choose.
For more information about the non-physical self, check out my book Pine Cone Pandemic with Acorn Dressing. ISBN# 978-0-9778130-8-7 Available in all bookstores.
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