Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Laws Of Our Own Reflections

Every law that you have on your books today, whether it's a religious or a secular law, has come about because you're trying to get somebody else to do something that will make you feel better.

Ester Hicks wrote that thought in her book, Ask And It Is Given. Some laws make us feel better while other laws make no sense to us. Our laws are mish-mash of righteous living, and frivolous whims. That sort of duality is not unusual for us. We live by the laws of nature in our waking world, and live in the mish-mash of what we call unconsciousness in our dream world. We wander through a psychic landscape in our dreams, and our man-made laws have no substance there.

There’s no doubt that our moods alter our perceptions when we are awake in time. Moods also have an impact on the natural environment of our dream world. In our world of time there is a lag between the conception of an idea, and the materialization of it. There are several reason for that lag, but in our dream world feelings and thoughts can be expressed and experienced immediately. Our thoughts manufacture products, people, places and things in the dream world, but our ideas never manufacture laws in that world.

The psyche doesn't need laws in the dream world to express itself. Our mish-mash of unconsciousness understands that we always feel better when we are free to express our inner nature. When we look into a mirror while we are awake we see our reflection, and it never talks back to us, but when we look into the mirror of our psychic in our dreams it has eyes and a voice. We see and hear the reflections of our thoughts, desires and fears, and we experience them. We live in a world where the only laws worth having are the laws of our own reflections.

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