Friday, March 20, 2015

Imagined Dreams

The path of experience is nowhere settled. There is no one road that does not have avenues to another. There are deep veins of probable actions ever available to you at any given time. Your imagination can be of great value, allowing you to open yourself to such courses; you can then use it to help you bring these into being.

In your mind see those probable abilities or events taking place. As you do, the intensity of your desire brings them into your experience. There are no boundaries set about the self.

Jane Roberts wrote those thoughts in her book, The Unknown Reality. Imagination is a powerful tool. In our imagined dreams, the world and the elements within it are moving toward a preconceived goal. We imagine life as it can be, not what it is. We sense our power-based laws falling into a pit of contempt, and the lawmakers that enforce them are dripping with the sap of self-incriminating Botox. The boundaries of the mindless power merchants are shrinking in fact-less fiction. And as they do, the individuals within us become responsible for these self-created dreams.

In these imagined dreams, we are responsible for creation. The laws within these dreams conform to several roads that drift in and out of probable actions. We accept each road and follow every course until a beacon shines in the inner sanctuary of peaceful realism. In that sacred place, we live to imagine more, and we dream endlessly to become what we are.

What we are in these dreams is just a spark in the fire of time-motivated, truthful proficiencies. These innocuous truths signal nothing, but another stop in the endless journey to feel the moral and immoral actions of our soul.

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