Monday, March 14, 2011

The Imaginary Point of Awareness

For it is surely no imperfection in God that has given me the freedom to give or withhold my assent in those instances where he has not placed a clear and distinct perception in my intellect. But surely it is an imperfection in me that I do not use my freedom well and that I make judgments about things I do not properly understand.

Nevertheless, I see that God could easily have brought it about that, while still being free and having finite knowledge, I should nonetheless never make a mistake. The result could have been achieved either by his endowing my intellect with a clear and distinct perception of everything about which I deliberate, or by simply impressing the following rule so firmly upon my memory that I could never forget it: I should never judge anything that I do not clearly and distinctly understand.

Rene Descartes at the end of his fourth meditations from his 1641 work, Discourse on Methods and Meditations on First Philosophy does make a point about the nature of separation. We look and try to find subjective solutions with objective thoughts and a great divide manifests in the process. Instead of realizing that we are capable of receiving finite knowledge from our stream of consciousness, we create another entity that exists outside of that stream.

The concept of an unknown reality that contains special places filled with judgmental overtones is certainly creations formed by beliefs about religion. Science has distorted beliefs about this unknown reality as well. Science tries to find the subjectiveness in all things using proving objective tools so the foundation for the work leaves out the most important ingredient.

Religion creates this unknown reality using subjective concepts, which are separate from each individual in order to control the image of this reality. Exploration of this unknown reality can only be achieved when we leave our accepted facts about the nature of the self and expand them to include that infinite consciousness that has been the topic of debate, controversy, and war for hundred of centuries. We must expand our level of awareness to an imaginary point where the spirit meets the flesh. There we find the neurological messages that contain the substance of subjectivity.

At that point we do not dissect, criticize, and analyze; we creatively unite, and build. It is there where Descartes concept of God exists in its true form. It is the Zen like motion of no motion that flows through every cell in our universe without judgment.

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