Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Allow the children of your world to grow with the knowledge of their power. Tell them they create their reality, and how they do that.

Allow them to know there is no such thing as success versus failure. Encourage that which is their dreams and tell them that by their dreams and their imagination, they create what they desire.

Teach them cooperative play rather than competition. Honor their sovereignty and love them in the knowledge they are Gods and Goddesses come forth to be your teachers and mirrors.

Jani King, the Australian psychologist, wrote those thoughts in her book The Gift. As we aged we tend to forget some of our childhood experiences. We don’t totally forget those years; some of the good experiences remain, and the bad stuff lingers around our consciousness as well. We have an archaic attitude when it comes to understanding childhood. Childhood is wrapped in the soiled diapers of judgmental parents and peers. The stifled wisdom of grandparents helps ease the mess, but for the most part, we limit the knowledge of our children’s power, and the reality in which they flounder.

We forget that our consciousness and our children’s consciousness was active long before we perceived this version of the self in time and space. We chose to be born into this world to experience our version of reality, not the reality of others. Our dream world is our laboratory. The self is not limited in our dream lab. We mix and match probabilities and choose our direction based on beliefs, desires, and impulses. We try to follow that direction in our waking world, but the standards set by antiquated cultural symbols and rules change our course.

Children are mirrors. We are mirrors. How do we want to look, when the haze of tribal guilt and parental ineptness is wiped from all the mirrors of our future consciousness? We want to look like children that have the knowledge of their innate power and use it.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Who Is Really Dreaming And Breathing

Education should be the process of helping everyone discover their uniqueness.

Leo Buscaglia Ph.D., was a professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Southern California. His thought about education is a simple but brilliant one. Our current educational process starts with conformity and progresses to the point of sterility. We don’t celebrate uniqueness in our educational system unless it conforms to the standards set by a narrow-minded group of zealots that learned to put rationalism above all else. Uniqueness doesn't live in rationalism. Uniqueness lives in individualism.

We think we are products of our brain and an isolated part of our subconscious. We add a few other influences in the mix and come up with a product called the self. We say we breathe, but who is breathing? We can't tell the self to breathe or not to breathe. We say we dream, but we can't tell the self to dream or not to dream. We cut ourselves in half and wonder why we don’t feel whole. We admit to only the things we can see, touch, smell and hear, and we disallow the part of the self that functions without those associations.

The part of us, the uniqueness that dreams and breathes is buried in the muck of physical conformity. We cut ourselves in half in order to meet the standards of rationalism. Our subjective self waits for us to realize that no one taught us to see or to hear. No one taught us to smell or touch. Our education process doesn't value the uniqueness of a whole self. But that is the uniqueness we want to experience. Our education should start with celebrating our uniqueness and appreciating and knowing the self that is really dreaming and breathing.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Whirlpool Of Influences

There are no mistakes. The events you bring upon yourself, no matter how unpleasant, they are they are necessary in order to learn what you need to learn. Whatever step you take, is necessary to reach the place you’ve chosen to go.

Richard Bach wrote that thought in his book Messiah’s Handbook. Bach reminds us that our mistakes are filled with creativity. They open the door for unforeseen probabilities that change the course of our life. We learn from all our thoughts and actions. The actions we call mistakes are nothing more than a choice that conflicts with our belief in right and wrong. The words right and wrong are associations, and they are connected to our belief structure.

We don’t know where we are going in this life until we get there. We often get there and still don’t know where we are. Our beliefs hinder us from knowing the meaning of the phrase, “where we are going.” In one sense, we never go anywhere. All things come to us through our probability bank. We act out our chosen probabilities and mix them with a seasoned cup of time. That mixture creates our waking reality. As we stir this mixture with thoughts and emotions, we feel the creations that develop from the electromagnetic concoctions that dress our ego. We live in a whirlpool of influences and associations that mold our awareness.

Awareness is where we are going. We never get to the point where we stop expanding. We are always in motion, but we never go anywhere. We are right where we choose to be as we wait to experience another whirlpool of influences.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Private Oracle

Being part of an open-ended universe, we are part of an open-ended mind. The knowledge of the living mind comes after your living mind becomes open-ended.

J.J. Hurtak wrote those thoughts in his 1973 Book, Keys of Enoch. Hurtak’s book of knowledge examines the puzzles of life. The book claims there must be greater unity between scientific and spiritual mindsets. Without this unity, issues that concern the known and unknown reality will continue to be tossed around in a soup of objective confusion.

The unknown reality, dreams, the spin of electrons, and the blueprint of this reality play a role in our experiences. Our lives continue to change from the interrelationship of these phenomena. Our free will depends on the multidimensional behavior of electrons and the nature of probabilities and perceptions.

The unpredictable behavior of our unknown reality is not in a state of chaos. Order arises from the creative elements within unpredictability. Our unpredictability assures uniqueness. Unpredictability is the opposite of predictive motion. No course is irrevocably or set beyond change. An open-ended mind, the psyche, or what we call our subjective awareness, assures us that no action is set beyond alteration. But we only focus on our objectivity so we don’t believe we can alter anything.

The exploration of our open-ended mind reveals contours of subjectivisms that highlight our latent inner knowledge. We do explore these contours in the dream state. But the symbols we use to describe these psychic trips fall short. We intentionally forget to understand our inner data.

We tune into our private oracle every night. Our private oracle is the voice of our multidimensional self. That self is the part of us that is not totally contained in our personhood. It functions outside of space and time. It deals with all probabilities, and it is the source of all of our probable actions. It contains the secrets of the open-ended universe. And the teachings of our dream-art scientist, our true mental physicist and our complete physician.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Woman knows what Man has long forgotten, that the ultimate economic and spiritual unit of any civilization is still the family.

Claire Booth Luce the American editor, playwright, congresswomen, journalist and ambassador was way ahead of her time in terms of social awareness and moral responsibility. Her words about the family are not new, but they do take a back seat when the ego becomes more than a just portion of the personality. Confucius, and others like him said the same thing in their time, and just like Luce their words fell on deaf ears. The word family loses its real meaning when our quest for power becomes fanaticism. It seems science as well as religion promotes that form of family. We let our beliefs mold us in their fanatical image.

The family unit is more complex than we believe. Its complexity confuses us, so we seek help to understand it. That help comes in the form of influences and associations, and they attach themselves to our ego. We create a story around these so called family truths, and we make them real. We then experience a hybrid family from our expanded, but distorted ego, and it becomes our truth. Our truth is a jumbled set of distortions, and we own and live them.

Our perceptions become actions. Perceptions change what they act upon. The family is not what we feel it is when we have distorted perceptions, and they become beliefs. But these distorted ideas of family do serve a purpose. We begin to see our self through the lens of a compromise family, and that awareness creates a need for change.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

An Unframed Canvas

A certain day became a presence to me. There it was, confronting me. The sky, air, light: A being. And before it started to descend from the height of noon, it leaned over and struck my shoulder as if with the flat of a sword, granting me honor and a task.

Denise Levertov, the British-born poet, author and teacher reminds us that in every day, and in each moment of every day, there is a rebirth of who we are. There are an infinite number of events within the official series of events we recognize at any given instant, and each event we choose from that well of probable actions changes who we are. We are the result of all the choices and decisions we made up to this point in time.

Our world has always been complicated, but our technology is adding more complications while it retires some of the old ones. Technology increases the number of probable actions every day, and that means our choices and decisions multiply. As the world becomes smaller in terms of travel, communication and awareness we become less attuned to predictive actions, and more attuned to unpredicted results of our expanded vat of probabilities. Our past associations merge with our present reality and new patterns form from our actions.

Each day is an unframed canvas of probabilities. Endless probabilities and actions mingle on our personal canvas. We use the canvas like a painter who doesn’t know what to paint until the brush touches the paint. Once we touch our special canvas, we find our self in its mixture.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Reality Is Singular As Well As Plural

One of the challenges of your adventure on earth is to rise above dead systems. Dead systems like wars, religions, and opposing nation destruction is to refuse to be a part of them, and express instead the highest self.

Richard Bach writes some very interesting thoughts in his book The Messiah’s Handbook. We have created a very complex system of survival of the fittest. We use our social structures to define us, and if others don’t agree with our view of reality we try to destroy them in one way, or another. This behavior has been going on for centuries. The sad news is we still condone this method of establishing our dominance over others. In fact, we celebrate it.

We expect to fight as we move through time. Solving issues without some conflict is irrational thinking. Fighting is in our DNA, and we pin it to our ego like a medal of honor. But as Bach points out, that antiquated thinking is coming to an end. The end will not be tomorrow, next week or next year. The end of this madness won’t come this decade or the next, but it will come as the 21st century ends. At that point, we will begin to realize how connected we all are. The enemy is not across an ocean or in front of a computer. There is no enemy until we create one. As creators, we deposit part of our consciousness in our creations. Then our creations begin to form some version of creativity. Our reality is a composite of our personal and mass creations. Reality is singular as well as plural. We are what we project so what we see is a version of what we believe.